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Yesterday in the post there was an envelope addressed to me, an envelope which contained money, always nice 🙂 and a request for me to do an Auragraph.

Now one of the things I do as part of my work is to offer distance readings for people and one form of distance reading is that of the Auragraph. I love doing auaragraphs but don’t do them very often possibly because many people may know what they are. They are always done as distance work as they do take me some time to complete and probably even longer if the client was watching me work. I think I might find it much harder to channel the drawing if I had the client present as I do need to be able to focus and be aware of what is taking shape. I love that I sometimes have no idea what I am drawing until it takes form on the paper, that the meaning of it and any colours used will become clear as the auragraph forms. In many ways when I am working it reminds me of the magic paintings I had as a child, the ones where there was nothing  and then when I painted with water images would begin to appear. At other times though I will have an image or colours in my head but only when the auragraph takes shape do I start to understand why I am seeing these. Like I said magic 🙂

Every auragraph I do is different and unique to the person I am reading for. They carry information about the present, the potential future and sometimes the past, the energies or archetypes that are around supporting and guiding and all come with an accompanying written explanation of what I have been given to pass on. They are always drawn in a circle as this represents the whole, the whole person as well as past, present and future.

An Auragraph is lovely to have done for yourself but also make good presents. Some people frame them and display them, others use them as a tool for meditation and some just take them as a reading that sums up where they are now.

Auragraphs were first created by the medium Harold Sharp who used the term Auragraph to describe what he saw as ‘artistic diagrams of the human aura.’

I became aware of Auragraphs in a slightly unusual way when I was on a course at the Arthur Findlay College in Stanstead, UK. Arthur Findlay is a spiritualist college with a small museum depicting the ‘World History of ‘Modern Spiritualism and ‘Mediumship’ and during my first time at the college I paid a visit. At one point in the museum, when I stopped in front of a photograph of a gentleman, I experienced a strong rush of energy flowing into me. I moved to the side, it stopped, I moved back and there it was again. I left the museum, found one of the friends I was there with and dragged her in to see if it happened to her which it didn’t. So puzzled yet fascinated by what I was experiencing I spent the rest of the time stepping back and forth on the spot where I had this amazing energy running through me.

Back at home some time afterwards I was looking to see other courses that the college ran and came across one on Auragraphs. ‘I can do those ‘ I said quite confidently, without having any idea of what they were and then proceeded to prove I could, before looking them up to find out what they actually were.

Fast forward to the following year which saw me back at the college and of course back in the museum. I returned to the spot I had stood in the previous year and there in front of me was the photo and this time I looked at the name ‘Harold Sharp’.  Behind the photograph was a book and beside it was a label stating that the book contained the auragraphs of  Harold Sharp. It also said that the book could not be touched but I went and explained and was allowed to carefully look at the work of the man whom I am sure enegetically connected me with the idea of auragraphs.

I do Auragraph readings for anyone anywhere in the world. They are produced on good quality watercolour paper with watercolour pencils and are always sent by post along with the accompanying reading. For more information do check out ‘Readings’ on my website