Pagan Blog Post – Sixty and Celebrating

imageToday is my 60th birthday. I’m not really sure how I got here to be honest. No idea at all where the time has gone.

What I do know though is that a) in many ways it has gone very quickly b) that the years have been packed full of adventure and c) that there is no way I feel 60 at all. I think in my head I’m actually somewhere between 18 and 27 depending on what sort if day I’m having, although those closest to me would say that some days I’m stuck nearer 5! I can clearly remember a conversation once along the lines of ….’if you haven’t grown up by now you are always going to be 5 aren’t you’.

Last week I wrote about preparing for Autumn and part of that was recognising the need to get jobs done before the Winter, a kind of do it now or it doesn’t get done. I think this blog post also reflected how I have been feeling about myself. Not that I feel I am running out time but there is a recognition now that I am certainly moving into my own Autumn (and no it’s definitely not my winter 🙂 ) I know now how quickly things change and that what seems ok one minute may not be the next. My life and I need maintenance, just as my home and garden do. Although in many ways I have known this for a long time it is only now I can see quite how important it is.

I can also see how the work I have been doing in my OBOD Bardic Training has led me to this point. A point in time where I have had chance to reflect on many areas of my life, to clear away what no longer works, to recognise what is important, what for me brings pleasure and passion and what I want to nurture and nourish as I move forward. It is also a time where I can look back in the last decade and be grateful for how much I have been able to accomplish.

So for me turning 60 isn’t a time of regret or of sadness but a time of joy and celebration. It is chance to have fun with friends and family, to laugh a lot, to eat too much and in the celebrating to recognise that I have worked hard to get here and that it has all been worth it. Whatever the coming decade holds for me I have prepared well this year and know that I am stepping into it in the best way possible having made lots of room for amazing things to come in. No matter how old I am life never stops being the most incredible adventure.

6 thoughts on “Pagan Blog Post – Sixty and Celebrating

  1. Congratulations on Celebrating Sixty Years of Learning, Sharing and Being! What a Wonderful Gift You Are to All! My Wish is That YOU Will Continue to Grow in All the Ways You Desire, Yet Never Feel the Need to Grow Up! Have a Happy One!!!

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